Life is messy and one of the things we can pass down to our children is a way to manage that mess. It starts in the morning with enforcing a routine that teaches structure which is a way to start organizing their lives. A simple task as making their beds is a great way to immediately show progress in their day and if they have a horrible day, at least they can come home to a tidy bed. Seems simple but these little details add up and increases a child’s self esteem. It is best to have a routine for morning, noon and night that helps them stay clean and safe. Every morning have your child go through all the motions of getting ready for the day by following a set of grouped actions. For example, before breakfast the bed must be made, teeth are brushed, slippers are on, or whatever is best suited for your family. After breakfast would be another set of instructions and so on. This type of routine allows the children the freedom to have fun within an organized life that creates stability. Look for ways to have other aspects of their lives be organized such as their room, bathroom, play area and any other space that within their control.
Best of luck.