Making a Date Night with no Baby Sitter

Find yourself wanting to spend time with your loved one but no way to get away from the kids? Here’s a few Date Night ideas to re-spark your relationship. But first, some general rules:

  1. Remember that place matters little. It’s spending time with each other that matters.
  2. Conversations should revolve around and about each other and NOT about the kids. If you need ideas on what to talk about, check out “Sparking a Conversation, Parent’s Quick Tip”
  3. Keep it simple or go all out. Dressing up makes this experience more fun and more real. However, if getting dressed up will keep you from doing this date, then skip it and stay in your PJs.
  4. Avoid cell phones or other distractions. Focus strictly on your partner. This will make an incredibly big difference in the experience so don’t skip it.
  5. Be nice to each other. Most of the week is eaten-up by arguing who’s picking up the kids, or what’s for dinner, or why is the dishwasher still broken. Forget all that and be nice to each other for these few precious hours.

Dancing/Clubbing: Get ready cause your date night will be at home but that doesn’t mean you won’t get your moves on. Don’t blast the music or if you must, have some wireless headsets ready. If you’re going to blast the music, best to explain to the kids the importance of you having alone time with mommy/daddy. They may be tempted to come out and dance with you but

Cooking: A favorite for those who like doing projects together. Planning ahead is most important since you need all the ingredients. Typically the kids are in bed by now so it may be too late for dinner. Therefore, try for a complicated desert like a sugar free chocolate chip cookie dough ice cream

Reading: Bible is a good one for this. Bible is full of stories that can be researched and discussed back and forth. You’re not looking to immerse yourself in a story but rather discuss it with your partner.

Movie Night: Not recommend but try this is only if all else fails. You’re looking to talk to each other and movies don’t lend to this type of interaction. However, if you must, then go all out. Buy the popcorn, best movie you can both agree on, snuggle up on the coach, have an intermission to serve each other hot chocolate or a glass of wine. Become each other’s server or alternate. Turn the lights down and have fun.

Shower: some couples find it fun to take showers together but here’s the twist/catch, talk while in the shower. Have a real conversation. Don’t know what to talk about? Check out “Sparking a Conversation, Parent’s Quick Tip.”

Idea is to spend some alone time. Be creative and have fun.

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